2019-2020-韩国将排查所有入院肺炎患者控制MERS疫情word版本 (1页)

百科大全 2020-07-30 点击:


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SEOUL , South Korea & mdash ; South Korea said onTuesday that it would investigate all hospitalizedpneumonia patients to determine whether they hadbeen exposed to Middle East respiratorysyndrome , as it struggled to contain an outbreakof the virus that has infected 95 people in thecountry and killed seven .

韩国首尔& mdash ;& mdash ;韩国周二表示,将对所有入院治疗的肺炎患者进行排查,以确定他们是否曾接触中东呼吸综合征( MiddleEast Respiratory Syndrome ,简称 MERS )。目前,韩国正在艰难地控制 MERS 疫情,这里已有95人受到感染,7人丧生。

The outbreak of the virus , known as MERS , in South Korea is the largest reported outsideSaudi Arabia , where more than 440 people have died of the disease since it was discoveredthere in 201X. MERS symptoms are similar to those of pneumonia .

据报道,除沙特阿拉伯以外, MERS 疫情在韩国最为严重。自201X年在沙特发现这种疾病以来,该国已有逾440人死于 MERS 。这种疾病的症状与肺炎类似。

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Although a vast majority of MERS patients in South Korea were infected in two hospitals , cases have also been found in seven other hospitals in Seoul , the capital , and elsewhere .

尽管韩国的绝大多数 MERS 患者是在两家医院受到感染的,但是首都首尔的另外七家医院及其他一些地方,也发现了 MERS 病例。

2019-2020-韩国将排查所有入院肺炎患者控制MERS疫情word版本 (1页)



